Rewire your Mind for Longevity and Health with Shauna Shapiro

Thursday May 23, 2024, 12:00 pm New York / 5:00 pm London


Revolutionary findings in neuroscience have demonstrated that we can literally re-architect the very structure of our brains. In fact, we can even rewire our neurology to be more focused, calmer, and happier.

In this practical session, Dr. Shauna Shapiro ā€” a leading scientist studying the effects of meditation on well-being ā€” will teach you the most powerful science-based practices for increasing the neural pathways of happiness. Sheā€™ll explain basic brain science and offer a clear roadmap for living a joyful, connected, and meaningful life. Be prepared for unexpected transformation and delight as she leads you through a meditation.

  • Science-based practices to increase your baseline level of happiness for longevity
  • How to cultivate greater joy, gratitude, and connection
  • AI as a tool within beauty biohacking
  • A guided practical exercise/meditation to be used in your everyday life

About this 60-minute event:

  • 45-minute discussion withĀ Shauna Shapiro

  • 15-minute live Q&A with Shauna and Anna Bjurstam

Shauna Shapiro

Shauna Shapiro, PhD is a best-selling author, and psychologist. She is an internationally recognized expert in mindfulness and self-compassion. She is a professor at Santa Clara University, publishing over 150 papers and three critically-acclaimed books translated into 16 languages.

Dr. Shapiro has presented her research to the King of Thailand, the Danish Government, Bhutanā€™s Gross National Happiness Summit, the World Council for Psychotherapy, and to Fortune 100 Companies including Google, Cisco Systems, and LinkedIn. Her work is featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Oprah, NPR, and the American Psychologist. Dr. Shapiro is a summa cum laude graduate of Duke University and a Fellow of the Mind and Life Institute, co-founded by the Dalai Lama. Her TEDx Talk, The Power of Mindfulness, has been viewed over 3 million times.

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Thursday May 23, 2024, 12:00 pm New York / 5:00 pm London

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